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Nidec Drive Systems designs and manufactures complete drive systems for battery and hybrid electric vehicles in the EV transport, material handling, floor care, pump, and transport refrigeration markets. NDS’ custom-engineered solutions include complete transaxle and wheel drive systems, LVAC traction and pump motors, wound field DC traction and pump motors, and high efficiency battery chargers.

A global technology leader with recognized brands like Imperial Electric, Advanced Motors & Drives, and KDS—Nidec Drive Systems serves its world class customers from design and manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Mexico and China. Formerly a member of the Kinetek group of companies, NDS is now part of the Elevator & Drive Systems division of Nidec Corporation. NDS traces its roots to 1908 to the founding of the Imperial Electric Company in Akron, Ohio.

Complete systems and components from Nidec Drive Systems are the power and control inside familiar products like golf & utility vehicles, LSEV-micro cars, highway speed hybrid vehicles, forklifts, aerial lifts, plus floor care scrubbers and polishers, pool pumps, marine applications, wind turbines, and commercial transport refrigeration vehicles.



作为全球领先的科技企业,尼得科驱动系统拥有知名品牌Imperial Electric, Advanced Motos& DrivesKDS Drive systems, 在美国、墨西哥和中国的工厂为世界一流客户提供从设计到生产一站式服务方案。尼得科驱动系统的前身是康迪克集团的子公司,是尼得科集团电梯和驱动系统事业部的一部分,尼得科驱动系统的前身可溯源到1908年在美国俄亥俄州imperial Electric 的成立。
















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